Verdi protests during the Berlinale for wage increases for cinema workers

Verdi protests during the Berlinale for wage increases for cinema workers

Around 80 people took part in a rally in the Berlinale Film Festival area in Berlin and in a demonstration leading to the Ritz Carlton Hotel on Potsdamer Platz. A closing rally was held there. At the same time a celebration of the Berlinale took place in the hotel. The participants of the Verdi protest demanded higher wages for cinema employees and pointed out the poor pay, which is only slightly above the minimum wage.
The background was the current wage conflict in the cinema industry. The trade union Verdi also feared that in the event of warning strikes in Cinemaxx Kinos, strike breakers could be used - with the knowledge and tolerance of the Berlinale management. Cinemaxx is one of the festival cinemas.

Iranian monarchists protest in Berlin against the regime in Tehran

Iranian monarchists protest in Berlin against the regime in Tehran

Around 100 supporters of a constitutional monarchy in Iran took part in a rally in Berlin against the regime in Tehran.

They expressed their solidarity with the USA and Israel and protested against the support of terrorist groups by the Iranian leadership.

The protest was organized by the group "Organization Iranian Constitutional Monarchy" based in Offenbach/M..

Among the participants was also the president of the group, Aydin Khoschbonyani.

Rally in Berlin demands freedom for Catalan political prisoners

Rally in Berlin demands freedom for Catalan political prisoners

Around 30 people took part in a rally outside the European Commission headquarters in Berlin in support of the Catalan independence movement.

Speeches called for the release of political prisoners and the suspension of proceedings against other members of the movement. The participants came from the left spectrum, including members of the German Communist Party (DKP).

Trade union Verdi protests during the Berlinale for wage increases for cinema workers

Trade union Verdi protests during the Berlinale for wage increases for cinema workers

About 100 people took part in a rally in the area of the Berlinale Film Festival in Berlin and in front of the Cinemaxx cinema at Potsdamer Platz.
They demanded higher wages for employees of the cinemas and pointed out the poor pay, which is only slightly above the minimum wage.

The background was the current wage conflict in the cinema industry. The trade union Verdi also feared that in the event of warning strikes in Cinemaxx Kinos, strike breakers could be used - with the knowledge and tolerance of the Berlinale management. Cinemaxx is one of the festival cinemas.

Leftist protest in Berlin against interference in Venezuela

Leftist protest in Berlin against interference in Venezuela

About 100 people took part in a rally in Berlin against the partisanship of the USA and other western countries, in particular the European Union (EU) for the Venezuelan opposition and the President of Parliament Juan Guaidó. The rally took place at the Brandenburg Gate directly in front of the US embassy.

The participants saw the support of the opposition by Western states in line with the policy of US interference in Cuba, Chile and other countries.

The group called Bloque Latinoamericano Berlin. Some participants appeared in yellow west, apparently following the Gilets Jaunes movement from France.