Kurds rally in Berlin to save Efrin

Kurds rally in Berlin to save Efrin

Some dozens Kurds rally in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to protest against the threatening of an attack on the Syrian-Kurdish Efrin by Turkey. In fact the attacks started while the protest took place.

Ten thousands attended "Wir haben es satt!" march in Berlin

Ten thousands attended "Wir haben es satt!" march in Berlin

Ten thousands attended the annual "Wir haben es satt!" ("We are tired of it") march for a change in agriculture for healthier and organic food and better circumstances for animals.

Iranians in Berlin held a rally to release thousands of detainees in Iran

Iranians in Berlin held a rally to release thousands of detainees in Iran

Iranians rally in Berlin under the motto "Together for Iran" to support the recent mass demonstrations in Iran. They urged the regime to release the thousands of people who were detained during the protests. They also remind the more than twenty killed protesters.

The names of killed oder detained persons were written on air balloons.

Iranians from the NCR-Iran protested in Berlin against the regime in Teheran

Iranians from the NCR-Iran protested in Berlin against the regime in Teheran

About 1,300 attended a rally and demonstration in Berlin to protest against the regime in Teheran. The route lead through the government area in Berlin. Organized by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCR-Iran) the activists called for an end of the violence against peaceful participants of mass demonstrations across the Iran and to release the political prisoners.

The NCR-Iran also urged for sanctions by the European union against the regime and political support of the Iranian opposition by the German government.

Here you can find more pictures from this protest and actvities by the NCR-Iran in Berlin in the past until 2011: Flickr Album "NWRI".

Iranian monarchists rally in front of the embassy of Iran in Berlin

Iranian monarchists rally in front of the embassy of Iran in Berlin

Iranian monarchists held a rally in front of the embassy of Iran in Berlin. They condemned the regime in Teheran and demanded an end of the Islamic Republic. Also they urged to stop the violence against peaceful protesters in Iran.

In the last seven days thousands joined spontaneous mass demonstrations in cities across the whole Iran. For the first time and unlike during the Green Movement in 2009 the participants chant not only for social and political change but also against the Islamic Republic itself.